Hi, I am Yahir!

Nice to meet you, please look around

I'm a Full-stack Developer.

My passion is building excellent software that improves the lives of those around me.


I’ve always sought out opportunities and challenges that are meaningful to me. Although my professional path has taken many twists and turns - from having success in several civil engineer projects to leading a hardware store company. I've never stopped engaging my passion to help others and solve problems.
As a web developer, I enjoy using my obsessive attention to detail, my unequivocal love for making things, and my mission-driven work ethic to literally change the world. That's why I’m excited to make a big impact at a high growth company.


  • Javascript
  • Ruby
  • HTML
  • CSS


  • Ruby on Rails
  • Bootstrap


  • Pair Programming
  • Git Flow
  • Github
  • VSCode

Main Projects


Gamerstyle Articles

A web application created with ruby on rails for the backend and html and Css with bootstrap. It is a website for creating gaming articles. It showcases the authentication and use of active storage.
Ruby Ruby on Rails HTML CSS Bootstrap Cloudinary Heroku

Main Projects

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Social Media Website

This is a simple project with ruby on rails. It showcase the core functionality of a social media website where you can register and add other users as friends. Can decline or accept friendships.
HTML Ruby Ruby on Rails Device

Main Projects

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Find Houses

This is a mobile Website to find houses. It showcases a full login authentication. The Api is built with Ruby on Rails and the frontend with React
Ruby on Rails React Redux Jest Rspec

Main Projects

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NodeJs Blog

This is a Blog Webpage created with nodejs, Express and Mongo Db
Javascript Express MongoDb Mongoose

Contact Me

I'm currently looking for new opportunities to positively impact an organization with my work while developing my skills.

If you want to work on a project with a great teammate, don't be shy and contact me through any of my social media.

Contact me!
